Wednesday, 9 November 2016

We miss you all.....

We've been back in NZ a few months now and how time has flown. But we continue to think of all our friends and family back in Fakaofo with fondness and good memories. We talk of you often and remember you in our prayers. Here are some people we especially think of...

What can we say- Pale and Lise, Evotia and Miena, you are in our hearts forever.

Sani and Telika and your beautiful children- We think of you all often and your folks Aroha and Lemeko- love to you all.

Tangimoana, Ngaremu misses you so so much!


Olouta and Pio,
Saw Diana at Countdown and will look forward to seeing your precious Senara again soon.

Levi, thank you for looking after us so so well. 

And Logo and the kids too!
Our very kind neighbour Viane and all of Matt's work gang
Fofo and family who looked out for us so well and understood the challenges of being in a new country and culture.

Eli :) - Hope you are keeping well.

Tiale and Fauma- precious friends.

Tehanga!! Rainy wishes you and Laki and Peau could be at Kindy with him in NZ!!

Lovely Onelina and Patrick (you'll be a big brother by now, hope Mum and Baby are doing well)

All of Tialeniu school

Peau such a good friend to Rainy and to your Mum and Rowena too!!

Sa & Tiveta and Family

Luti, what a fun friend you were!

Lili and Ketty

NO photos of Meli's class and friends but she thinks of you all often. 

Ezra misses Teao, Tomasi, Eroni, Isiah and Alica.

Koroi, Ngaremu misses you and hopes school is going ok for you.

 Laki, Carol, Junior and Mica, miss you neighbours!!

All our friends on Tai!!!

And many others we have not named, your kindness and welcome, is remembered! We are forever changed by our time in Fakaofo.

Loads of Love Chrissie, Matt, Ruana, Melita, Ezra, Ngaremu and Rainy.

1 comment:

  1. hope the return boat trip was ok and the reverse culture shock is not too bad...You will never guess where I am now... ??? :D
    Hope all is well
